a colorful place to land

Welcome to the Blog

February 3, 2020

Welcome to my blog!  I am so excited to have you.  

Pop the champagne! It’s an exciting day! Not gonna lie – I thought I would be writing this letter a month ago, but apparently building a website (with some help) and learning the in’s and out’s of blogging takes more time than I thought. It’s been a lot of work, but I am having a blast. Who knew I could take my creative side and my computer geek side and marry the two. 

One of the gifts of ADHD is that my mind wanders in many different directions, so I will cover a lot of different topics. That being said, this isn’t a fashion blog or a parenting blog, though I wear clothes and have kids so it may trickle in now and then.

Here is what I will share with you:


Aside from life, in general, you will find:

  •  Health and Beauty – I will share with you some tips and my favorite things to help in aging gracefully.  
  • Organize & Simplify – Trying to find order in the everyday.  
  • Friday’s Fun Finds – Fun things that I found and learned during the week that I just had to share.


I really love the challenge of design on a tight budget. I’ll pass on my favorite resources, tips, and tricks.


I love to get my hands dirty, and I love trying to “do it myself” (with occasional help from my husband).  I will share some of my favorite projects and some that I hope to try.

Women who Inspire:

I am really excited about this one! I am lucky enough to know a lot of strong, talented, and innovative women that I want to introduce to you! Each week I will feature a different amazing woman and ask them the same six questions and share their responses with you.  I am so excited to start with my sister, Stephi Said.

So go take a look around, check out the posts and don’t forget to sign up for our weekly newsletter. If you enjoy your stay come back often and please tell your friends, and for all of you fellow Pinterest lovers, don’t forget to pin away! I can’t wait to get to know you better so reach out or leave a comment and feel free to learn more about me here.

Thank you so much for visiting!

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  1. Sheila says:

    Love this!! Congrats!!!

  2. Karen Gibbons says:


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