a colorful place to land

Friday’s Fun Finds Vol. 30

February 19, 2021


I love Sara Fitz’s watercolors – they are so very preppy New England.  Not only can you get prints, cards, and fabric, but now she even has collaborations with L.L.Bean and Chappy Wraps.  BUT what has me so excited is her new wrapping paper patterns. How fun is this?

Wrapping paper with a woody with flowers, ribbon and an old pair of scissors
Sara Fitz


It seems like the whole country is getting some sort of weather right now – and if you have a dog you know that a wet snowy dog running around the house is never good! Soggy Doggy has these great super shammy’s that you can keep near the door to dry them off.  We love ours so much!

A black dog holding a pink blanket and piggy in her mouth
Our dog likes pink too!!!!

Yummy Gooey Cheese

It’s so important to support small businesses – so yes – ONCE AGAIN – here is one of mine and they have a new cheese box that is perfect for this cold weather! It even comes with a mini cast iron pan! The Aprés Ski.

Cheese and pickles and a small cast iron pan

Laundry Hack

I love that my family is joining in in laundry duty … but every once in a while something slips through the cracks and shrinks. Here is a way to try and fix some of those mistakes.

a natural laundry basket

These Pajamas

I have been dying to try these pj’s from Lake, and this sale might just be the trigger I needed! I love cozy pj’s especially now that I am refusing to wear real clothes! Everything is on sale until the end of tomorrow.

Pink and white stripped pajamas with a light blue trim

Have a good weekend and check out the other Friday’s Fun Finds!

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