Whenever I go for huge New Year’s Goals I usually don’t get very far, so it is time to make more realistic goals. But I am old enough to know what makes me feel good both mentally and physically and what doesn’t. So my umbrella goal is to feel good and feel healthy instead of something like I’m going to fit in those size 4 jeans that I refuse to give away – because I can tell you that fitting in them ain’t never gonna happen.
Of course, you need to find the goals that work for you and that will make you feel healthy, but here is my list and hopefully some of them will work for you!
My new year’s goals
Go to Bed Earlier
Waisting time on Twitter and Insta is just not a reason for me to stay up crazy late! I am a mess without enough sleep. How are your sleep habits?

Hit My Daily Exercise and Move Goal on my Apple Watch 27 Days of the Month
Ok, if you choose this one don’t set your watch at some ridiculous move goal. The more realistic you are the more likely that you are to meet your goal. For instance, I set mine higher in the summer because I am much more active. If you use a fitness tracker you probably have a sense of what a good daily goal is for yourself. I usually try to stay between 700-800 for my move goal. If I start to over crush it I may aim higher. I am also not going to aim to hit it every single day of the month. Someday’s I just don’t have it in me and that is ok!
Drink Less Wine
There is still a pandemic and I wouldn’t ask you or me to cut it out completely. Just look at where you are and just cut out a little. Maybe one less glass a night or 1-2 fewer days a week.
Turn to tea!! 🤣

Take All my Vitamins, Supplements, and Rx Every Day
Alright, you may think – “Really? You need this as a goal?” But yes! I do. I am the worst at remembering to take things. I will share with you in a future post what vitamins and supplements I take, (stay tuned) but I feel better when I take them. And skipping my anti-depressant is never a good thing.
Do you ever get a call from CVS saying your Rx is ready and you’re not even close to done? You know what I’m talking about!
Cut Down on the News
I am secret news and political junkie … ok not so secret if you know me well … but it is not always healthy. Not at all. (Especially right now) So instead of focusing on cutting out News and political podcasts – I am just going to add positive, self-improving ones to my list and hope they take over!
What is your favorite uplifting podcast?
Consistently Keep a Gratitude Journal
I have always loved that I have extremely grateful children, but I know that I need to model it and adopt it more in my life. I think it is human to wish we had more or something different, but I find I am happier when I focus on my appreciation of where I am currently. In fact, I am sure there are lots of studies that say that.
Schedule My Days
This has been the hardest part for me during this pandemic. I don’t have that many scheduled things going on lately so it is hard for me to structure my day. My ADHD really doesn’t help either. I have come to learn that the weeks that I go off the rails tend to be the weeks that I have nothing written in my calendar.
A helpful tip from a life coach I used to work with was to sit down on Wednesday and revisit your schedule like you would on a Sunday night. It makes it easier to stay on track.
Are you having a harder time with a schedule during COVID?
Drink more water
This is one of those easy things that can be hard to do but does make a difference. You just may have to get creative to make your water more fun. I like adding cucumber slices and pretending I am at the spa. … hey man, whatever works!

Do the best you can
Alright, so you may be thinking that this seems like a lot and also why don’t I have any food goals. The answer to both of those is that if I work on the first two the rest will hopefully fall into place. When I sleep well and exercise a lot I tend to take better care of myself and it is easier to accomplish the rest. The same goes for eating well. When I do the basics I make better choices.
So if you want, sit down and try to come up with 6-8 goals. Make sure they are realistic and that most of them are trying to achieve something rather than taking away something. You can find a goal tracker in the free Health & Wellness guide. You can download it here if you haven’t yet. (What are you waiting for?)
I would love it if you would share any of your goals with us.

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