I am so excited to introduce you to Megan Martin, someone who has played a large part in the creation of my blog. Personally what drew me to her was her great sense of style and her love of bright colors, but little did I know that that just scratched the surface of what she has to offer.
Megan’s specialty is taking your vision of what you want and turning it into actionable steps. She is a one-stop-shop for creatives looking to take their small business to the next level. You can find everything from beautiful templates, tips for building your business and site, and finally how to make it all convert. All of this and she is also a mom to four young children. I am in awe of how she does it all.
Here is my interview with her
What is the best piece of career advice you have ever received?
The best piece of career advice I ever received was to STOP. Stop running the hamster wheel and to see what could happen if you weren’t doing #allthethings.
In 2019 after 7 years of spinning my wheels, I finally took the advice to stop. To slow my roll and see what really needs to be done and what can be let go of. I’m talking about scheduling pins, posting on Instagram, selling multiple products, services, and experiences, and on and on.
I put the brakes on the business I had built and all the tasks that came with it and just stopped. I took months away from the rat race of pressure I put on my own shoulders with the myriad of tasks and strategies we tell ourselves “we should be doing” and guess what… I made more money in 2019 than I ever have before. And I got to spend MOST of it with my family and actually enjoy the life I had worked so hard to build.
It was a HUGE eye-opener on what really matters in business and the importance of being laser-focused in the everyday grind so I don’t lose sight of what actually moves the needle further vs. what just looks good from the outside!
What other women do you admire, and anything you want to share about them?
I LOVE my mastermind gals, Kat Schmoyer and Hope Taylor. They are polar opposite from me. I’m an Enneagram 7 and they are HARD CORE 3’s. I shock them with my general lack of plan and goals for business, ha! But in all seriousness, I admire the way they care for their people. I admire the way they are there at the drop of a hat when one of us needs each other. And I admire how they dream big and make it happen. And when their dreams don’t perfectly go as planned, I am always blown away how they handle it with grace. They are my persons!
There are SO many other women I admire in this industry, too! I could answer this question all day long!
What app can’t you live without?
Instagram! I know it can be a draining place and really really noisy, but I actually LOVE connecting with my friends and customers online! I love getting to know my people and cheering them on as they work to make their own dreams happen. It is my fave!
What is your favorite podcast and or book?
I’m not a podcast gal! I’ve tried but with 4 kids to chase after, I relish all moments of silence I can find! All-time favorite book(s) = Harry Potter. Total nerd alert! BUT business-wise, I’d say my favorite book is The Go-Giver. It is a quick read, but deeply profound. It continues to shape the way I run and market my business even years after reading it for the first time!
What piece of advice would you share with other women?
When I grew up, I heard the path taught loud and clear: Get good grades, go to college, earn a degree, and get a degree worthy job. The box of life if you will. Most of my friends from grade school fit right in. Me?
Enneagram wasn’t the rage back then, but apparently I didn’t need a personality test result for my 7 to come out strong. Let’s just say I didn’t fit in the box.
Fast forward to 32 and I’m a work at home mom. I am completely OUT of the box. I love rainbows, glitter, and all things girly and yet I am a total nerd over neuroscience. I can code a custom opt-in form and yet I’m like a 95 year old with most iPhone apps. I’m a stay at home mom of 4 and yet I run a 6 figure online business as a one-woman show.
Younger me was constantly ashamed of how I didn’t fit in. I kicked myself for YEARS over not getting a degree. I tried so hard to adhere to a professional mold that just wasn’t me in the early days of my biz. I battled imposter syndrome for a very long time and held back from sharing my knowledge as an educator because of so many self-limiting beliefs. And even to this day, I have to constantly remind myself that it is OKAY to run this biz the way that works for me despite every corner of the internet saying I should be doing things differently.
I DON’T have it all figured out, but I do know this: You really thrive when you finally step into what makes you unique. In life and in biz.
If I could give you (and younger me) only one piece of advice it would be this: Own your quirks. Own your story. Own your gifts. When you say yes to owning what makes you unique, you’ll finally start making an impact!
Is there anything else you want to share with my readers?
My heart and goal for my brand and business is to come alongside creative women as they work to build their own dream businesses and lives. If I can serve you through MMC, I would love to invite you over! I help women finally uncover and step into what makes them unique and use that to build a website that connects with your ideal customer, conveys how you are the best fit for their needs and lead them to a confident YES!
Hop over and get started with my quiz: The Conversion Lab! It is a quick (and FUN!) quiz to get a customized conversion plan. You’ll get personalized advice and resources based on your business type (service, product, etc.) and level!

You can find Megan on her website, Meganmartin.net, and @meganmartincreative
I loved meeting Megan! She was real, vulnerable and insightful in her interview. I have learned from her that it’s okay to not fit into the box. After all, who wants to live in a box!